Pleco Jesus and the 12 Goldfish Disciples
... WWPJD?
So, I bet you're all like... Plecostomus Jesus? WTF? Is this guy some sorta sacrilegious freak? No, no... the story behind Pleco Jesus comes from a particularly boring dinner party I attended at a Taiwanese restaurant and a side comment made during a cell phone call of desperation to a good college friend of mine. I was just chatting about nothing in particular, staring at this aquarium. I noticed that inside this tank there was one moderately large plecostomus (yes, technically it should be pleco Jesus, as the pleco's true latin name is Hypostomus plecostomus) surrounded by twelve rather disinterested goldfish. Well, I just mentioned in passing to my friend that I was watching Pleco Jesus and his twelve Goldfish Disciples and I think I nearly killed my friend's friend - she was apparently now ROFLing at the sheer bizarrity that is my mind.
Soooo... I don't have anything more with Pleco Jesus yet, but it's gotten my atheistic mind rolling. It may be an opportunity for me to learn (relearn!) the story of Jesus. I hope to have at least some stories or sketches of these quasi-religious fish up at some point.
My friend an I, were, of course, trying to figure out how fish would crucify each other, but came to no real conclusions... more to come.
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Stephen T. Huang, 2004. So is Pleco Jesus and whatnot. All rights reserved.
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