Phased - Tuesday , May 16 , 2006


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May 16 2006

Oh goodness. I guess medical school got in the way. But hey! A new comic. Keep your eyes peeled - I'll try to keep updated but I have a placement exam in about a month and then they release me on to the wards... all of which means time is at a premium... sadly.

SEP May 2006
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4 5 6 7 8 9 10

WWPJD? Plecostymus Jesus and his twelve Goldfish Disciples

"Phased," characters involved in the comic, this website and its story are © Stephen T. Huang, 2004. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce, redistribute, or, in general, mess with anything related to "Phased" without prior consent from the artist. Phased is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.